Roman Schramm
Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths
9. 11. – 14. 12. 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013

Roman Schramm, installation view Today’s Lies, Tomorrow’s Truths, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, It’s not you it’s me, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, Kaktus, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, Stimme Erdbeer-Vanille, 2013, C‑print, 97 × 75 cm

Roman Schramm, Untitled, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, Untitled, 2013, C‑print, 57 × 85 cm

Roman Schramm, I keep my head still, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, Artischocke, 2013, C‑print, 70 × 55 cm

Roman Schramm, Torso, 2013, C‑print, 85 × 57 cm
Press Release
For Today‘s Lies, Tomorrow‘s Truths Roman Shramm has constructed a display system in bright blue and orange. The triangular shapes of the four modules create a kind of parcours, guiding the viewer through the exhibition.
At the centre of this structure one finds the image of a couple in front of a building – a man facing a woman, looking slightly to the side. The couple recurs in several other works, interacting in various ways. The image resembles a film still – a classically staged scenery. Throughout the exhibition, one is confronted with different genres of photography, as Schramm combines techniques ranging from macro photography and 3D collages, to portraying a self-made play dough sculpture. The objects on view – be it a cactus or a computer-generated graphic structure – resemble protagonists of a suggestive story line, staged within the individual images as well as in relation to one another.
The exhibition architecture makes it impossible for the viewer to gain an overview, and placed on wheels, the modules suggest a potential transformation, and new points of perspectives.